AMSOIL XL 10W-40 Synthetic Motor Oil 收藏获取报价 OE 合成机油适用于寻求合成机油中的安心保护和卓越价值的机械师和驾驶员。它为涡轮增压器和直喷等先进汽车技术提供 100% 合成发动机保护。 OE 专为原始设备 (OE) 制造商推荐的较长换油周期而配制。
SAE Viscosity Grade (Motor Oil)10W30 Vis @ 100°C, cSt11.4 Vis @ 40°C, cSt70 Viscosity Index155 CCS Viscosity, Poise, @ °C50@-25 Pour Point, °C-45 Pour Point, °F-49 NOACK Evaporation Loss,1hr @ 482°F (250°C), %6 ...
型号 GPO Motor Oil LUBRIPLATE Super GPO 10W-30机油是一种开发用于四冲程循环柴油发动机的发动机机油,旨在满足2007年和更高的EPA公路废气排放标准。它是专门配制的,用于保护废气后处理装置,如柴油颗粒过滤器(DPF)、柴油氧化催化剂(DOC)和选择性催化还原(SCR)系统。它可向后维修,用于2007年之前的柴油发动机,也可...
爱企查为您提供Volvo沃尔沃Premium Motor Oil VDS-4.5柴油机机油10W-30,15W-40,深圳市宏鑫业贸易有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。柴油机机油;柴油机机油批发;柴油机机油行情报价;柴油机机油价格;柴油机机油底价;柴油机机油图片;柴油机机油厂家;柴油机
SAE 10W30 MOTOR OIL 英文别名: SAE 10W30 MOTOR OIL 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB2617808 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商1 SAE 10W30 MOTOR OIL化学性质 安全信息 SAE 10W30 MOTOR OIL性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
Vehicles with more than 75,000 miles need extra care. Keep them on the road with Mobil 1™ High Mileage synthetic motor oil. 0W-20|5W-20|5W-30|10W-30|10W-40 Designed to help keep your engine running like new by providing outstanding wear protection, cleaning power and overall performanc...
美国亚马逊 Valvoline 10W-30 VR1 Racing Motor Oil - 1qt (Case of 6) (822388-6PK): Automotive历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Valvoline 10W-30 VR1 Racing Motor Oil - 1qt (Case of 6) (822388-6PK): Automotive
Mobil 1™ is an advanced line of fully synthetic motor oil products that provide engine performance and protection.
Keep them on the road with Mobil 1™ High Mileage synthetic motor oil. 0W-20 | 5W-20 | 5W-30 | 10W-30 | 10W-40 Mobil 1™ Designed to help keep your engine running like new by providing outstanding wear protection, cleaning power and overall performance. 5W-20 | 5W-30 | 10W-...
SAE 10W30 马达油 正己烷中(SAE 10W30 Motor Oil)平台编号:D257574 规格:1mL 注意事项:仅用于科学研究或者工业应用等非医疗目的,不可用于人类或动物的临床诊断或治疗,非药用,非食用 购买数量: 收藏订购SAE 20W50 马达油 正己烷中(SAE 20W50 Motor Oil) 3,3'4,5,5'-五溴联苯醚 异辛烷中(3,3',4,...