Sport motoric investigations used to assess the physical skills of children are an important aspect of monitoring a healthy development of children. For Germany, representative data on target values for motoric skills of children and adolescents are available through a large-scale program called ...
Hotoowr,egveenr,earagtaeidn by magnetic the claim of or electric field on a 100% efficiency was probe particle5,23,28, and made. We shall discuss these issues and calculation in greater detail at the end of the paper. Figure 2(a) illustrates some details of the above argument. ...
(sueplypeidr eanntdifylotwheerclaimusbes)of a abnadd cpaenrfporremciasnelcye itdoepnrtoifvyidtheetchaeuuseseorfsaofbathdeppelraftofromrmanwceittho cpormovpidreehtehnesuivseerfseeodf bthaeckplraetgfoarrmdinwgitthhe cocrormecptiroenhsentosibvee mfeeaddbeatcoktrheeggaredstiungret.he corrections...
Indeed, when the insuree declares a claim, the company can verify the odometer and detect any inconsistency, which may involve a penalty in future premiums. In this sense, there is a deterrent against not disclosing correctly the distance traveled, but it seems that this effect may have not ...