Fijate que estoy contruyendo una maquina CNC pero utilizando el carrete de impresoras epson, las cuales usan motor DC de 12V y lineal strip encoder para su movimiento. yo escribi un codigo funcional con el cual puedo manualmente controlar los ejes X, Y, pero lamentablente no tengo ni idea...
/* * Custom-built Servo Motor - Arduino Code * by Dejan, * * Libraries: * AS5600 encoder: * PID conroller: */ #include "AS5600.h" #include "Wire....
ST’s EVLDRIVE101-HPD board uses the STDRIVE101 and a TSV991ILT CMOS Op-Amp to achieve current sensing. The board also includes undervoltage lockout (UVLU), and back EMF (BEMF) current sensing and limiting. It also includes a connector for Hall-effect sensors and an encoder. More informa...
Thank you for this tutorial which is very useful. I want to use the DM556 driver for my stepper motors and I want to add an absolute encoder to the motor. It is possible to command the stepper motor in function of values that I will receive from the encoder using this code? Thank yo...