Subsequent internal reviews by the deceased’s insurer and the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal affirmed the decision. The claim was denied on the basis his sister was not deemed a dependant under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2019, which looks to the Legislation Act 200...
Ensure all people involved in the accident are safe and stable. Call for help from first responders if any injuries require immediate attention and always air on the side of caution if you are in doubt (some injuries, such as head trauma, internal bleeding, or muscle strains are not readily...
Our first job is to get the insurer off your back, in order to give you the space you need to recover from the motor vehicle accident injuries as much as possible. In any serious injury case, the healing process usually takes at least a year. Once we know your condition is stabilized,...
DetailsofInjuries:NameofHospital: ACCIDENTDETAILS DateofAccident:TimeofAccident:PlaceofAccident: Speed–KPHBeforeaccident:KPHMomentofimpactKPH Weatherconditions:Visibility: Roadsurface:Widthofroad: Whichvehiclelightswere on: Streetlighting Wasanywarninggivenbyyou(e.g.hooting): PoliceDetails: NameofOfficerrecordi...
insurer and has the obligation to pay the insurance premium under the contract. The victim in the compulsory insurance contract refers to the person who has suffered traffic accidents, suffered personal injury or property loss due to the traffic accident of the insured motor vehicle, but does not...
11 November 2024Insights Pay Trends Autumn 2024: What You Need to Know Learn More 24 May 2024Insights Hacker or Helper? The Role of AI in Cybersecurity Learn More 18 September 2023Insights Fuelling the fire: Motor claims inflation goes from bad to worse ...
we can come to your home or hospital room. If your car, truck or motorcycle accident — or a loved one’s pedestrian accident or defective product injuries — calls for aggressive protection of your rights against a negligent party’s insurer, you can count on theHodges & Thomaslaw firm to...
The driver was uninsured, but at the time of the accident the vehicle in which the victim was travelling was subject to a policy of motor insurance. By operation of national law, and in breach of the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directive (MVID), the insurer was allowed to recant the policy ...
If you have been hurt in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses. Under Massachusetts law, negligent drivers can be held liable for injuries suffered by others. A personal injury attorney can help you with...
Recruitment sites included: (1) Suncorp and (2) the National Roads and Motorists’ Association in NSW and (3) the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria. Figure 1 shows the flow for the study’s recruitment, intervention and assessment processes. The NSW compulsory third-party insurance ...