Moto Z2 Play相机 Moto Z2 Play评测分数:AnTuTu:66687 Geekbench 4计算:3,183 3DMark投投极限:464 相比之下,售价750美元的三星Galaxy S8的安兔兔得分为155,253分,售价400美元的中兴Axon 7得分为142,672分,售价230美元的Moto G5 Plus得分为63,190分。基准分数并不是性能的全部和最终结果,同样,我们还没有...
Moto Z系列手机(图片引自theverge) 据安兔兔数据库提供的资料显示,该机型号为XT 1635-03,使用了一块1920x1080像素分辨率的屏幕(屏幕大小可能会是5.5英寸),搭载高通骁龙625处理器,辅以Adreno 506 GPU,内置3GB运行内存和32GB本地存储空间,采用前置500万+后置1600万像素的摄像头组合,预装安卓6.0.1系统。 Moto Z Pl...
最后,使用中我发现Moto Z Play的连拍功能支持“无限”张连拍,我让连拍持续到1000+张,没有继续等下去。 作为一款主打娱乐的机型Moto Z Play必须有着足够的性能保证游戏运行流畅,它选择了现阶段很多人并不太熟悉的高通骁龙625处理器,这颗处理器使用八颗ARM Cortex A53核心,在功耗方面优势明显,同时Adreno 506图形处理...
没有Moto Mod可以提升整体性能,虽然Z3 Play在日常使用中表现不错,但与2018年的大多数旗舰设备相比,不可否认它有点不合时宜。它的整体AnTuTu得分为110,069(50,935 CPU,21,211 GPU,31,342 UK,6581 MEM),而 Geekbench的单核得分为1321,多核得分为4553。 鉴于价格,Moto G6系列手机的相机性能非常出色...
Moto Z Play国行获入网许可:配骁龙625 北京时间8月3日消息,联想旗下Moto Z系列家族手机国行版本将发售的消息,已经传了很长时间。现在,Moto Z家族中的Moto Z Play已经获得工信部入网许可,预示该机上距离上市已经越来越近。 Moto Z Play国行获入网许可...
Motorola Moto Z3 1924 Motorola Moto Z2 Force 1915 Google Pixel 2 1912 Huawei Honor View 10 1902 Huawei P20 1897 Samsung Galaxy Note8 (SD 835) 1862 BlackBerry KEY2 1628 Antutu 7 ranks the CPUs a bit differently. The devices with the Snapdragon 845 were at the top of the lis...
There’s no Moto Mod to boost the overall performance, and while the Z3 Play is fine for everyday use, there’s no denying that it’s a little off the pace when compared to the majority of 2018’s flagship devices. It landed an overall AnTuTu score of 110,069 (50,935 CPU, 21,21...
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Motorola Moto G Play (2021) - user opinions and reviews n notReal kB7 27 Oct 2024 it's a 460, i had this phone but cpu-z said it was a 665 but everything else like antutu and geekbench said that it was a 460 Reply H Hippieguy Tb1 15 Oct 2024 I have this phone it ...
AnTuTu 3DBench:199,100 Geekbench 4 CPU:1,901 single-core; 6,217 multi-core 3DMark Sling Shot Extreme:2,705 (Vulkan) The Moto Z3 sits near most 2017 flagship smartphones, but it’s in the dust of other 2018 devices. TheGalaxy S9 Plusscored an AnTuTu score of 263,591, for example,...