摩托罗拉 Moto G 手写笔 5G (2023) (https://twrp.me/motorola/motorolamotogstylus5g2023.html#google_vignette) (注:recovery的下载地址) 我们需要把要刷入的recovery.img下载好,并且明确所在的文件路径。在fastboot下,分别以这两条命令刷入fastboot flash recovery_a E:\Download\twrp-3.7.1_12-0-genevn.img...
I want to install a custom TWRP recovery partition and Magisk root. I only bought this Moto g model because TWRP already had a supported custom recovery rom for the Moto g stylus 5G 2023. **removed**! Thank you for any help you can give me! John Williams 1-321-732-0763 *Edited due...
I am trying to flash this rom and other Roms by using I can't flash. I will downgrade TWRP and try again. Sent from my XT1053 using XDA Free mobile app 1 2 3 … 21 You must log in or register to reply here. Share...
you will be able to flash many different types of custom ROMs or even install a custom recovery like TWRP. Along the same lines, you could also gain administrative privileges of your device and gain access to the system partition. This in turn is possible by rooting your device via Magisk....
摩托罗拉 Moto G 手写笔 5G (2023) (https://twrp.me/motorola/motorolamotogstylus5g2023.html#google_vignette) (注:recovery的下载地址) 我们需要把要刷入的recovery.img下载好,并且明确所在的文件路径。在fastboot下,分别以这两条命令刷入fastboot flash recovery_a E:\Download\twrp-3.7.1_12-0-genevn.img...