2022年底,国家解除了口罩管控,人可以自由流动。2023年1月,机缘巧合之下,本来打算去看BMW1250gs ADV,结果30升油箱的ADV没现车 ,就选了20升油箱的1250gs,车价21万多,办齐差不多24万。800mt卖了五万多,相当于增添19万不到。 2023年全年骑行一万两千多公里,包括在上海城市骑行1000公里左右,长途摩旅11000公里左右。
近期,BMW R1250 GS Adventure(ADV) 迎来了大幅度清库存促销,价格直降近 10 万元,部分车型售价甚至跌至 18 万多!不过,这批车大多是2022-2023 年的库存车,意味着上牌后使用年限可能只有11 年左右。那么,面对如此诱人的降价,这款“水鸟”是否值得入手? 1. 超期库存车能买吗?核心问题要搞清! 不少人对于库存车...
always safely put together with riding to fun lunch locations or other interesting places around the greater Bay Area. Anyway, I decided it was time to purchase a new BMW R1250GS and began speaking with their "Adventure Agent," Arlie Ray, about locating one. When we found availability was ...
Image : Moto, Bmw r 1250gs, Moto allemande. Utilisation gratuite. thanks for the likes🙏 22 commentaires La communauté a hâte d’avoir de vos nouvelles ! Connectez-vous ou rejoignez Pixabay pour consulter les commentaires MotoBmw R 1250gsMoto Allemande2 Roues MotoriséTransport De Voyageurs...
always safely put together with riding to fun lunch locations or other interesting places around the greater Bay Area. Anyway, I decided it was time to purchase a new BMW R1250GS and began speaking with their "Adventure Agent," Arlie Ray, about locating one. When we found availability was ...
Hire a BMW R1250GS Enquire Now Motorcycle Features Engine:Flat Twin Horse Power: 136 hp Final Drive:Shaft Fuel tank: 20 L Equipped with: Heated grips, hand protectors, on board computer, ABS, Central stand, RDC, USB socket, TFT screen, BMW GPS bracket, Cuise control,ASC, DTT traction ...
For BMW R1250GS ADV LC 2018-2022 2023 Feature: 1.Easy to install 2.Durable and reliable to use 3.Protects the headlight lens against flying stones when the motorcycle is used off-road 4.Snap-lock system for straightforward, speedy installation and removal. ...
Anyway, I decided it was time to purchase a new BMW R1250GS and began speaking with their "Adventure Agent," Arlie Ray, about locating one. When we found availability was limited, I dropped down a deposit and ordered just the one I wanted, configured like I wanted (why make compromises...
BMW GS Trophy event in Mongolia. Matt tells us about his upbringing in motorcycles, the various toys hiding in his garage, and how he enjoys the challenge of riding adventure motorcycles off-road. Matt gives us all the details about what it’s like to participate in the GS Trophy challenge...
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