Mcgregor’ s theories: Theory X:assumes that people dislike work and responsibility. Therefore they must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to make an effort towards achievement of organizational objectives. However modern employment laws have made this difficult...
The aim of the chapter is to justify which theories have the motivation potential applicable to employees of Generation Y. The research was based on a selection of Lithuanian employees, whose socioeconomic situation is particularly deeply known by the authors of this chapter. Replies were submitted...
Ch 4.States of Consciousness in... Ch 5.Introduction to Learning in... Ch 6.Cognition Theories & Processes Ch 7.Motivation & Emotion Theories in... Ch 8.Developmental Psychology Theories &... Ch 9.Overview of Personality in...
While the significance of motivation in the adoption of mobile learning has been well-documented in numerous studies, empirical evidence regarding the roles of cognitive, social, and affective needs remains limited. This presents a notable gap in the field of education concerning the influence of mo...
Three steps in the use of the ARCS model as a systematic design model interfacing with typical instructional design and development models are discussed under the headings Define, Develop, and Evaluate, and 展开 关键词: Educational Theories Elementary Secondary Education Inservice Teacher Education ...
needs. In this post, I discuss some of these motivational theories and propose an integration of these theories. This discussion is relevant for both teachers and students. If teachers aren’t getting their growth needs met, then it is very difficult for them to help their students...
Among theories exploring what motivates students to learn, Eccles and colleagues’ expectancy-value theory (Eccles et al., 1983) is one of the most prominent. Eccles et al., (1983) posits that students’ motivation for a particular academic task is most directly affected by their expectancies ...
The model derives its hypotheses from two influential psychological theories, self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991, Ajzen, 2015), with additional hypotheses derived from Vallerand's (2007) hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic ...
The impact of students' intrinsic or extrinsic motivations on their future intentions for online language schooling has been widely documented, but further emphasis needs to be placed on examining motivation beyond traditional theories. Thus, the current study sought to pivot the focus from intrinsic ...
Less is known, however, regarding how the differing facets of Schadenfreude are interrelated and take shape in response to these concerns. To address these questions, we review extant theories in social psychology and draw upon evidence from developmental, personality, and clinical research literature ...