Chapter 5 Motivation at Work[第5章动机的工作](PPT-41) 热度: self-determination theory and work motivation:自我决定理论与工作动机 热度: 外文文献: 薪酬和工作动机满意度之间的关系研究A Study of Relationship between Satisfaction with Compensation and Work Motivation 热度: 相关推荐 PowerPoint®...
ClaytonAlderferextendedtheworkofMaslow,andidentifiedthreeprimaryneeds:(1)Existence;存在需要(2)Relatedness;关系需要(3)Growth. 成长需要二、Alderfer'sERGtheory1.Conte162.Alderfer'sERGtheoryVSMaslow'sHierarchyofNeedsExistenceRelatednessGrowthBasicorphysiologicalneedsSafetyneedsSocialityneedsExternalesteemSelf-EsteemneedsSe...
Software is designed to work for an input space Test the software with all elements in the input space Infeasible - too high a cost Need better method for selecting test cases Different approaches have been proposed Equivalence Class partitioning ...
WORKMOTIVATION 第1页,共28页。2 CHAPTER9WorkMotivation WorkMotivation(工作(gōngzuò)动机)•Definition:Thepsychologicalforcesthatdeterminethedirectionofaperson’sbehavior,aperson’slevelofeffort,andaperson’slevelofpersistence.•Keyelementstothedefinition:–Effort–Persistence–Direction/goalorientation 第2页,...
Makestaffworkwillinglyandeffectively Motivationandorganization(2)Thebestcompany–theirstafffeelmotivatedandvalued Thepoorperformancecompany ◦Lowmotivation◦Lackofattentiontoquality◦Apoorsenseofbelonging◦Peoplefeelundervalued◦Unwillingnesstoseeajobwelldone Motivationtowork Economicreward ◦Pay◦pensionrights...
2. processes of development 1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型 3) the combination of the two 1) Radiation辐射型 Semantically, radiation is the process which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays. 从语义上...
10. Vroom’s Expectancy theory Four stages, 3 relationships 11. Practical application of theories Participatory management Payment based on performance Flexible rewards Alternative schedules of work (re) Planning of work
Motivational Ideas for Turbulent Times Role of today’s manager is not to control others but to organize the workplace in such a way that each person Can learn Contribute Grow
1.onomatopoeicmotivation拟声理据、phoneticmotivation语音理据Astitchintimesavesnine.美式英语:ItwasTuesdayandhewasn'tbackatworkuntilWednesday.partsofhumanbody,clothes,hats,shoes,etc.culturallyboundwords/illusivewords 2.morphologicalmotivation形态理据有意让别人听到的耳语 uptotheneckinChiefdifferencelieinvowel...
Don’t assume all team members will be good at everything. They won’t, and neither will you be! Motivation and the team ? It’s important to know a little about the theories of motivation to allow you to be able to make a useful contribution to the work of a team. ? If you ...