Holder. In this case, the Supreme Court held that the Board of Immigration Appeals decisions can be reviewed by the U.S. Court of Appeals and denied the motion to reopen. It discusses the jurisdictional amendments of Illegal Immigration the Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act and the REAL ...
Voluntary Departure and the Right to Reopen Removal Proceedings on the Merits period cannot exceed sixty days beyond the final administrative action, which is often an affirmation on appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals. In... M Tarlock - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》 被引量: 0...
Allowing Judicial Review of Motions to Reopen: Kucana v. Holderimmigrationjudicial reviewmotion to reopenasylumThis casenote discusses Kucana v. Holder, in which the U.S. Supreme Court is called to determine whether motions to reopen are not judicially reviewable outsideJohanna K. P. Dennis...
U.S. Supreme CourtImmigration LawBoard Of Immigration AppealsRemoval ProceedingsCase at a Glance: Mata v. HolderAfter being ordered removed from the United States, petitioner filed a motion to reopen removalproceedings. The BoarSocial Science Electronic Publishing...