How lexicalization patterns influence syntax. Motion verbs in French and English.Third, in English, as well as in German, verbs denoting an event of filling or emptying a container with a substance occur in the locative alternation. Thus, such verbs, as in (7), can also be used to denote...
Aurnague, M.: How motion verbs are spatial: The spatial foundations of intransi- tive motion verbs in french. Lingvisticae Investigationes 34(1) (2011) 1-34Aurnague, M. (2011). How motion verbs are spatial: The spatial foundations of intransitive motion verbs in French. Lingvisticae ...
The DinaVmouv base is an annotated lexicon of motion verbs in French, including more than a thousand of items. The resource is freely available at: The lexicon is in the form of an interactive spreadsheet allowing you to filter and/or...
Appendix 2: Motion verbs in L1 and L2 SpanishSpanish(Control group)LSpanish(LItalian)LSpanish(LFrench)LSpanish(LGerman)NEUTER VERBSirse()‘go’ir()‘go’mover()‘move’ir()‘go’irse()‘go’irse()‘go’ir()‘go’arrengarse*...
11.In Texas hold'em, a hand in which a player has two cards of the same rank and another card of that rank is among the community cards. Phrasal Verbs: set about To begin or start:set about solving the problem. set apart 1.To reserve for a specific use. ...
English, and a variety of Germanic languages, allow constructions such as the bottle floated into the cave , whereas languages such as Spanish, French, and Hindi are highly restricted in allowing manner of motion verbs to occur with path phrases. This typological observation has been accounted for...
In languages like English, German, and Dutch, manner is typically encoded in the main verb while the path information is encoded through additional particles or “satellites” (e.g., prepositions) associated with the verbs. These languages are thus called “Satellite-framed” or “S-languages....
Findings show that, in line with directional concepts expressed in verbs, L1 French speakers allocate more attention to entities in motion and endpoints, before utterance onset, than L1 German speakers do. The L2 German speakers pattern with L1 German speakers in the use of manner verbs, but th...
in la the maison house (en in boitant). limping ‘I entered the house (limping).’ (French) c. Equipollently-framed (Thai, Emai): Both manner and path are encoded as main verbs simultaneously. o . li the o . mo . he man
(enter, exit) and the manner in an adverbial– if at all. In this paper, thistypological distinction will be appliedto data from Swiss German (Muotathaldialect), Standard German and French. As expected, French narratives use morepath verbs than German narratives. However, there are surprising ...