Here, we apply machine learning to microscopic image analysis for label-free motion tracking of the zoonotic bacteriumon cultured animal cells. We use various leptospiral strains isolated from a human patient or animals, as well as mutant strains. Strains associated with severe disease, and mutant ...
This systematic review explores machine learning (ML) applications in surgical motion analysis using non-optical motion tracking systems (NOMTS), alone or with optical methods. It investigates objectives, experimental designs, model effectiveness, and future research directions. From 3632 records, 84 stu...
Finally, using the concepts and available techniques, a new location tracking model is proposed using machine learning to predict the next possible position of a sensor node. After that, the results of the developed model are explained in terms of accuracy and error rate. Authors have explored ...
We then plotted the RMSE of the longitudinal predictions as a function of number of participants used to build the machine learning model (Fig.3c,e). Here we used the data from the larger EFACTS study to build the models using SARA and SCAFI as predictors to allow a larger data size for...
Machine-learning technology classifies movement data to improve activity tracking Embedded intelligence and additional enhancements greatly reduce power for longer battery runtime in smartphones, wearables, and game controllersGeneva / 11 Feb 2019 STMicroelectronics, (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor ...
Here are 661 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars [CVPR 2023 Best Paper Award] Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving motion-planningautonomous-drivingmulti-object-trackingoccupancy-predictionmotion-predictionautonomous-driving-frameworkend-to-end-autonomous-drivingperception-pre...
“Achieving best in class virtual body ownership and immersion in VR requires both accurate tracking and very low latency. We spent substantial R&D effort evaluating computational performance of ML-based tracking algorithms, implementing and fine-tuning the multi-modal tracking soluti...
pythonimage-analysisradiotherapymotion-trackingmedical-physicsct-scansmotion-analysis UpdatedMay 14, 2024 Python Compute causal relationships between individual pixels in 2D videos over space and time to reveal salient dynamics using a variety of causal measures ...
s reimagining of the classic talePinocchio. Animation and production studio SHADOWMACHINE were instrumental in making the stop-motion animation a success; they used Autodesk’sFlow Production Trackingsoftware to coordinate the massive effort between the many stop-motion animators and other team members...
In recent years, object detection and tracking has been a dynamic research area. Rapid development of the multimedia and the associated technologies urge the processing of a huge database of video clips. The processing efficiency lies on the search methodologies utilised in the video processing syste...