motion on set aside judgment 英 [ˈməʊʃn ɒn set əˈsaɪd 'dʒʌdʒmənt] 美 [ˈmoʊʃn ɑːn set əˈsaɪd 'dʒʌdʒmənt]【法】请求撤销...
set aside proceeding 【法】 搁置诉讼程序 application to set aside an award 申请撤销仲裁裁决 set in motion 使... 运动 相似单词 set aside 【经】 取消 aside adv. 1.在一边,向一边 2.留着 n. 1.旁白(戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众所说的话) 2.顺便说的话 judgment n. 1.[U]判断...
motion on set aside judgment 【法】 请求撤销判决的动议相关短语 negative investment (通常指撤回资本) 负投资 Boulwarism (劳资谈判) 博尔韦尔制度 caroset (法) 法兰绒 fauteuil (法) 扶手椅 polyreflet (法) 多向反光长毛绒 creche (法) 托儿所,日间托儿所 pin bush(ing) (活塞销的) 销衬套 galettes ...
motion on set aside judgment 英文motion on set aside judgment 中文【法】 请求撤销判决的动议
reflected the policy intent that the court could of itsownmotion set asidetheregistration of a judgment, as different expressions had been adopted [...] (b) 由於條例草案與香港法 例第319章採用了不同詞 句,檢討第 18條有否反映 法庭可主動廢除內地判決的登記此政策目的...
After losing a $51.6 million trial earlier this year to New Mexico businessman Ray Bell, Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Co. has filed a motion calling on U.S. District Judge Layn Phillips of Oklahoma City to set aside the judgment not withstanding the verdict or alternately to grant ...
motion on set aside judgment 【法】 请求撤销判决的动议 to arrest 逮捕 on the motion of 根据…的提议 in motion 在开动中, 在运转中处于兴奋[骚动]状态 to pass judgment on 褒贬 day of judgment phr. 审判末日 Expert Judgment 专家判断 相似...
Import a document. Drag and drop the file from your device or import it from other services, like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or an external link. Edit Motion to set aside judgment. Easily add and highlight text, insert images, checkmarks, and signs, drop new fillable fields, and ...
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A motion for Summary Judgment, also known as a motion for judgment on the pleadings, asks the court to make a judgment solely on the facts set forth in the pleadings, without the necessity of trial. A court will grant a summary judgment motion when the material facts of the case are ...