发起动议只适用于移民局判定错误,来让USCIS重新审议其OPT申请的情况,不适用于自己主观的个人原因(比如给错了文件/错过申请时间)。 注意: l 有两类型的motion: Motion to Reopen,需提交新的事实来重新进行审理,例如宣誓书等证明 Motion to Reconsider,需要证明审理中的法律和政策使用错误 l 提交动议motion不代表不需...
According to the USCIS Asylum Manual:An asylum applicant may apply for asylum after the issuance of a final denial, or dismissal of a motion to reopen or reconsider by the Asylum Office as long as he or she is not under the jurisdiction of the Immigration Court. An applican...
Also, unless USCIS directs otherwise, the filing of a motion to reopen and/or reconsider (or the filing of a subsequent application or petition) does not delay the execution of any decision in a case or extend a previously set departure date.所以即便我file了MTR,也不能让我在美国合法的停留,...
anotice:uscis regulations do not provide for an appeal to this decision however you may file a motion to reopen or reconsider an adverse decision a motion must be filed using form 1-290b notice of appeal or motion form 1-290b must be filed within 30 daym the date of this notice (33...
您好,从他收到拒信开始,他就是属于unlawful presence的状态了,等待motion to reopen期间他并没有合法...
发起动议只适用于移民局判定错误,来让USCIS重新审议其OPT申请的情况,不适用于自己主观的个人原因(比如给错了文件/错过申请时间)。 注意: l 有两类型的motion: Motion to Reopen,需提交新的事实来重新进行审理,例如宣誓书等证明 Motion to Reconsider,需要证明审理中的法律和政策使用错误 ...