On 21 April 2010, the Trial Chamber granted the Prosecution’smotiontoreopenitscase to present evidence that only recently came to light. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 2010 年 4 月 21 日,审判分庭批准了检方重新进行案情陈述以提出最近披露 的证据的申请。
What is a Motion to Reopen? What is a Preliminary Injunction? In Law, what is a Motion to Suppress? What is a Summary Judgment? What is an Inquest? What do Court Reporters do? Discussion Comments Byanon290428— On Sep 09, 2012
Furthermore, in addition to the development of such pre-trial procedures, a Directive on the length of Briefs and Motions submitted by the Parties was issued on # anuary # to address the issue 此外,除了制订这些预审程序外,为处理各方提交的诉讼要点和动议的长度的问题 # 年 # 月 # 日颁发了...
The Prosecution also filed a motion to reopen its case to hear another three witnesses. daccess-ods.un.org 检方 还提出一项申请,要求 重新开始检方陈情,听取另外 3 位证人的证词。 daccess-ods.un.org In July 2010, Prlić filed a motion to disqualify one of the Judges from the trial be...
Reports on Intel Corporation's attempt to reopen its case against Advanced Micro Devices Inc. regarding the 287 math processor while continuing its lawsuit concerning the Am486 devices' use of in-circuit emulation (ICE) technology. Background of the two separate cases; Varying significance of the...
Despite unsuccessful attempts to transfer the ensuing trial from the plaintiff-friendly District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Apple won a favorable jury decision in March. Core followed up with second and third lawsuits in the same jurisdiction shortly after mediation in t...
the Speaker of the House ill, and only because of that did the Senate Pro Tempore become President. (Spoiler alert for anyone wanting to dig out the book – he survives the Senate trial by one vote thanks to a conservative white southerner who realizes that it would be wrong to remove ...
The TikTok promotion follows a similar deal that Applestarted offeringthrough the Shazam app in November. Through that offer, new subscribers get a five month free trial to Apple Music by downloading Shazam and identifying a song. Watch the Latest from AppleInsider TV ...
one of the town’s signature buildings would reopen. A hometown girl, the Prime Minister herself, would come to regale us with at least one charming anecdote in her warming native dialect. Despite crisp morning sunlight mercifully visiting our strip of coast for the occasion, she reminded us ...
to the next step. Safety and approval information This Micro Motion product complies with all applicable European directives when properly installed in accordance with the instructions in this manual. Refer to the EU declaration of conformity for directives that apply to this product. The EU ...