No new evidence can be submitted in a motion to reconsider. If a person has new evidence that would help support the case and prove that they fit the criteria, the asylum officer does not believe they do; a motion to reopen may be a wiser option....
evidence that only recently came to light. 2010 年 4 月 21 日,审判分庭批准了检方重新进行案情陈述以提出最近披露 的证据的申请。 In summer 2010, the Prosecution filedamotiontoreopenitscase due to the discovery of...
As a direct consequence of that investigation, the prosecution filed a motion to reopen its case to hear another three witnesses. 那项调查所引起的直接后果是,检方提出动议,要求重启检方举证,听取另外3名证人作证。 UN-2 He attempts to "see whether we cannot draw the correct non-contradictory ...
To us one the most important part of a motion to reopen in absentia case is the affidavit and the evidence. You cannot simply say you missed your hearing. The motion and the affidavit should detail specific dates and addresses, backed by concrete evidence of your address at that particular t...
Level up your care by tracking your unique stats and results over time, while generating customized suggestions to promote physiologic birth and safer outcomes. Elevate your practice and feel confident, and supported with instant, evidence-based care suggestions, position-change guidance, and personal ...
Apple's latest attempt to rein in e-books antitrust monitor Michael Bromwich has been denied, with the federal appeals court hearing the case saying the company failed to present evidence of irreparable harm. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuitfiled an orderon Monday ...
high (thus making a candidate’s research productivity more admirable), the quality of teaching is excellent (although the reviewer hasn’t observed the candidate in the classroom) and all the places where the candidate published are prestigious (although they lack evidence for such a ...
InterVISTAS research provides in-depth evidence that supports the need for a shift towards light-handed airport charging models. The observed data shows that the direct cost of airport charges (levied on both passengers and airlines) to consumers is small in terms of the final ticket price, inc...
So why on earth would they want to mess that up by impeaching President Trump, a move likely to cause a backlash and, unless new incendiary evidence emerges, would not remove Trump from office. The GOP controlled Senate is almost certain not to find the President guilty, and would use the...
Governments and industry regulators will need to ensure that any new processes that they require airports to introduce are reviewed in line with changing data and medical evidence and ensure that they remain aligned with those deployed through other modes of transport and the wider society. ...