Court Denies Interior Motion to Reconsider Payment of Special Master; Judge Orders Payment for Court OfficersPagano, Jean
A motion for reconsideration is a legal request in which a person asks a court to review a decision and think about making a new...
The state Supreme Court has not yet addressed that request. Justices agreed on May 6 to hear the case. Their decision pre-empted legislators’ request for the full 15-member Court of Appeals to reconsider the panel’s split decision. Lawmakers requested the rare “en banc” appellate hearing...
If you object to a judgment you've received from court, your best course of action is to either appeal the judgment or request that the court reconsider its decision. If you present a motion to the court to reconsider its judgment, the same judge, or panel of judges, will review the ju...
(3) Except as otherwise provided in Rule 66 (Bills Returned for Reconsideration), it shall be out of order to attempt to reconsider a specific question on which the Council has taken a decision during the session,exceptindebateonamotiontorescind that decision moved with the permission of the ...
The next step is to file a sworn motion, in compliance with Rule XIX ofthe current Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Texas, in the Texas Court in which you request to participate, which must be accompanied by this acknowledgment letter. The decision to grant or deny your application ...
present a risk of actual or apparent corruption and thus lie beyond Congress's power to regulate. This Court rejected that argument, and the Court's decision (which appellants do not ask this Court to overrule) forecloses appellants' challenges here--as the district...
The U.S. Department of Justice is objecting a New York magistrate judge's decision to deny its motion to compel Apple's assistance in unlocking an iPhone linked to a years-old New York drug case, with the case now landing at the Eastern District of New Y
Finally, litigants must be afforded “a reasonable opportunity to present material that may be pertinent to the court’s decision as required by Maryland Rule 2-501.” Balt. Street Builders v. Stewart, 186 Md. App. 684, 691 (2009). Sucklal, however, was not denied an opportunity to ...
In supporting this argument, the Appellant refers to the short deliberation time for the jury, asserting that the jury could not have seriously examined two months' worth of evidence and testimony in 2.5 hours.The Sheppard Estate urged the trial court to reconsider its determination that a jury ...