A lot of times the person being sued would be the one trying to hold out information though. People seemed to think that if they just didn't provide the information or the document or whatever the case would just go away. But not so! This would usually be when a motion to compel woul...
For example, suppose that a plaintiff in a lawsuit has refused to submit to a deposition—questioning under oath—by the defendant. The defendant therefore files a motion with the court to compel in an effort to compel the plaintiff to attend the deposition. The written motion briefly explains...
“While [Essential Consultants] and Mr. Trump have stated their intention to file a petition to compel arbitration, they have not yet done so,” U.S. District Court S. James Otero explained viaThe Hollywood Reporter.“If such a petition were filed, a number of the questions raised in ...
in Florida: Shooting Straight for the Top," 72 Florida Bar Journal 10 (Dec.1998). Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.310, similar to other state rules1, expressly permits a party to take the deposition of "any person"2 and it is very unusual for a court to prohibit the taking of any ...