这个平板还不错,它是目前所有Windows Tablet PC平版中配置最高的一款,采用了英特尔酷睿L7400双核,缓存高达4M的高速CPU,最大支持4G内存,标配80G硬盘,当然也可以换成SSD固态硬盘,最大支持500G普通硬盘或128G固态硬盘,它采用IPS高清屏幕,最大支持1440*1050的高分屏,支持512级压力感应,手绘效果相当好!
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MotionProtect (MotionProtect Plus) operates within the Ajax security system,connected to the via the protected protocol. The communication range is up to 1700 (MotionProtect Plus up to 1200) meters in the line of sight.In addition, the detector can be used as a part of third-party ...
4. Eclipse – Stop Motion Pro Available on Windows and Mac. Eclipse – Stop Motion Pro let’s you capture images with a webcam or DSLR camera and watch your animation play out on your monitor. Control camera settings like zoom and focus from your desktop and use onion skinning and markers...
If you want to make a basic video and add audio, the Stop Motion Studio free version is ideal for you. But if you're going to explore more app features, you need to buy Stop Motion Studio Pro Windows, a paid version of the app. ...
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With Windows Server 2008 just around the corner, be sure to talk with any of your clients purchasing Windows Server licenses today about being sure to include Software Assurance to get Windows Server 2008 when it is released. Plus, be sure to keep an eye on the Microsoft Incenti...
En plus de créer une campagne publicitaire pour votre application qui s’exécutera dans des applications Windows, vous pouvez promouvoir votre application à l’aide d’autres canaux.