In this paper we calculate the trajectory and angular momentum of a particle with charge and mass , constrained to move on a spherical surface of radius , in a static magnetic field , and compare it with the motion of a pointlike magnetic dipole in the same field. The regime of motion ...
magnetic fields/charged-particle motion in reversal zones of, (tWe consider the motion of a charged particle in a region of space where a steady magnetic field reverses its direction.doi:10.1080/00207216708961532N.ANDERSONDepartment of Mathematics, University of York...
In this paper we study the motion of a charged particle in the presence of a magnetic field created by three different systems of wires: an infinite rectilinear filament, a circular wire and the union of both. In the first case we prove that the equations of motion are Liouville integrable...
《带电粒子在磁场中的运动》专题训练(Special training on the motion of charged particles in the magnetic field) Special training on the motion of charged particles in the magnetic field Class: ___ name: MAO yonghui review: lu lijin Charged particles into the vertical uniform magnetic field, ...
The motion of charged particles in the presence of an electric field varying slowly in time, and with an arbitrary time variation is analyzed as well as charged particles in the presence of a time-varying magnetic field and a space-varying electric field. The phenomenon of cyclotron resonance,...
Charged Particle Motion in Nonuniform Magnetostatic FieldsThe motion of charfed particles in the presence of a magnetostatic field which has a spatial variation is analyzed using the nonrelativistic equations of motion in the first order approximation. This approximation is often referred to as the ...
Motion of a Charged Parand Plasma Equilibrium in a Dipole Magnetic Field – Can a Magnetic Field Trap a Charged Particle? Can a Magnetic Field Having Bad Curvature Trap a Plasma Stably? Since there is no magnetic monopole, the dipole magnetic field is the most elementary form of magnetic fiel...
ChargedParticlesTheMotionofChargedParticlesin.PDF,About ODE 2nd Order: Charged Particles The Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields The path p (t) of a particle with electric charge e and mass m in a magnetic field B is given by m · p (t) = e
The quantum-mechanical study of the motion of a charged spin- 1/2 particle in a uniform magnetic field has a number of features which are of interest to theorists. Not only can the Dirac equations be solved completely and analytical solutions be obtained, but unlike the Coulomb problem, the...
We discuss the astrophysical problem [1] of the motion of a charged particle in crossed fields. In contrast with previous treatments [2–5] we allow strong inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar co...