VirginiaWillette-GreenandJoanPetrilliSDOSJournal of Hand TherapySilverman PM, Willette-Green V, Petrilli J. Early protective motion in digital revascularization and replantation. J Hand Ther 1989;2:84-101.Early protective motion in digital revascularization and replantation. Pamela MacNeil Silverman,...
Dr. Hiroshi Yamasaki of Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan, one of his (continued on p.9) Mega-Lawyer Peter Angelos Joins Mobile Phone–Cancer Fray PeterAngelos, who has won billions of dollars in damages from the to- bacco and asbestos industries, is set to play a leading ...
Flanagin, Virginia L.Borst, AlexanderSompolinsky, HaimSpringer NetherlandsJournal of Nanoparticle ResearchSAFRAN, M. N. et al. Adaptation and information transmission in fly motion detection. Journal of Neurophysiology, v. 98, n. 6, p. 3309-3320, 2007....
counteracted by several hydraulic cylinders driven by a control system. About 75% of the roll and pitch of the cabin was reduced compared with that of the demihulls [17]. In both the HSCC and the HSCC Voyager, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ design idea was limited by the addition of a ...
Virginia Tech's multi-body dynamics study of this design adopted more automotive field methods [20]. Based on their works, this study proposes a four-degree-of-freedom multi-body dynamics model and discusses it based on the analysis methods in the field of marine engineering. David Hall, an...