网络动议;审判前的保护令;请求禁止使用某些证据 网络释义
What is a Motion in Limine?A motion in limine is a pretrial request made to the court, asking the judge to prohibit the opposing party from presenting or even mentioning certain evidence during the trial.The basis for this motion is that the evidence in question is so prejudicial or ...
防止偏见的动议(motion in limine) 证据禁止动议(motion to suppress) 证据开示动议(discovery motion)... 虽然可以提出多种动议,但法院对提出动议有不同的要求,通常当事人在提出动议之前须咨询律师或查阅当地法院规则。 例如,在夏威夷州,《民事诉讼规则》列出了下列动议要求:援引授权动议的规则或法规(rule or statut...
The meaning of MOTION is an act, process, or instance of changing place : movement. How to use motion in a sentence.
防止偏见的动议(motion in limine) 证据禁止动议(motion to suppress) 证据开示动议(discovery motion)... 虽然可以提出多种动议,但法院对提出动议有不同的要求,通常当事人在提出动议之前须咨询律师或查阅当地法院规则。 例如,在夏威夷州,《民事诉讼规则》列出了下列动议要求:援引授权动议的规则或法规(rule or statut...
—motion in limine\-in-ˈli-mə-nē\ :a usually pretrial motion that requests the court to issue an interlocutory order which prevents an opposing party from introducing or referring to potentially irrelevant, prejudicial, or otherwise generally inadmissible evidence until the cour...
motion in limine专业释义 <法律> 防止偏见申请;审判前的保护令大家的讨论 法律英语知识之Motion(动议) LEC法律英语考试资讯: Motion在英美法系,motion(动议)最初是指议会中由议员提出建议或解决方法以供议会考虑及采取措施所用的一种正式方式;而现在,动议已成为当事人在诉讼活动向法庭提出请求的惯例。具体而言,...
Motion in limine: Motions in limine can prevent certain evidence from being shown to a jury. Although evidence can be found inadmissible later in a proceeding, its influence on a jury may still be irrevocable. The prosecution may use motions in limine to prevent the defense from presenting prev...
inlimine)证据禁止动议(motiontosuppress)证据开示动议(discovery motion)... 虽然可以提出多种动议,但法院对提出动议有不同的要求,通常当事人在提 出动议之前须咨询律师或查阅当地法院规则。例如,在夏威夷州,《民事诉讼规 则》列出了下列动议要求:援引授权动议的规则或法规(ruleorstatute), ...