The meaning of MOTION is an act, process, or instance of changing place : movement. How to use motion in a sentence.
Motion in limine: Motions in limine can prevent certain evidence from being shown to a jury. Although evidence can be found inadmissible later in a proceeding, its influence on a jury may still be irrevocable. The prosecution may use motions in limine to prevent the defense from presenting prev...
n. application by a defendant in a lawsuit or criminal prosecution asking the judge to rule that the plaintiff (the party who filed the lawsuit) or the prosecution has not and cannot prove its case. Attorneys most often make this motion after the plaintiff or prosecutor has presented all the...
2) MOTIONS IN LIMINE-this type of motion seeks to exclude evidence or limit the use of evidence during trial due to an issue with the rules of evidence. This motion is typically made right before trial. In order to prevail in pretrial motions, or in trial, your DUI attorney needs to k...
(512) 478-1473 By: ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE and CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE I certify by my signature above that on the 12th day of October, 2005, a true and correct copy of Plaintiffs' Motion in Limine was served on all counsel of record in this cause, via fax and...