We assumed that B(x, y, z) was an arbitrary point in the space close to the receiver aircraft's nose and ignored the angle of attack of the receiver aircraft. To solve the velocity at point B under the bow wave, a reference plane was established by using point B and the OtXt axis...
Feeding the MM spikes as input to a Gamma process, we map the estimated stochastic signatures for each dancer on the Gamma parameter plane, along the shape and scale dimensions as represented in Figure 5A, with Figure 5B showing the power law relation that emerges from the log-log Gamma ...
• Step 1: A virtual plane was fit to the received cloud of points, that is, the captured model. • SSetnespors22:01T8,h18e, xdFiOsRtaPnEcEeRsREbVeItEwWeen the outermost marker centres on both model diago1n3 aofls19were m• easSuterped2.:TThhies ddiissttaannccees wbeatsw...
In the time–frequency plane, the x-axis was time and the y-axis was the scale value predefined. The scale value in the y-axis was converted into the instantaneous frequency by Equation (2), where f0 is the central frequency of the chosen mother wavelet, s is the scale value in the ...