He feels the present prejudice against second-class Perpetual Motion devices is due to the failures of first-c1ass ones. with the passing years, the conviction that Perpetual Motion is impossible has become so strong that few scientists are a\.vare that there are three classes of Perpetual ...
We also employ three types of one-class classifier to build the authentication model, so that the model can be trained solely on the samples from the legitimate user, and we could examine whether an observed effect is specific to one type of classifier or holds for a range of classifiers. ...
(oinreFsigmuarlele1r)tfhraonm3.thOen mtheethootdhoelroghiacnalds,cmreeenthinogdotolotghiecafilnCallaascsce1ptcaoninceci,dthese owthitehr tshtuedpieasthbseilnegadininclgud(iendFinigCurlaess1)2.from the methodological screening to the final acceptance, the other studies being included in Class 2...
An online one class support vector machine-based person-specific fall detection system for monitoring an elderly individual in a room environment. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. 2013, 17, 1002–1014. [PubMed] 22. Rougier, C.; Meunier, J.; St-Arnaud, A.; Rousseau, J. 3D head tracking...