The increase of the state density increases the lifetime of the complex and facilitates vibrational quenching. l=3 0 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 E/k or T (K) 10–2 10–1 Figure 3 | Quantum defect theory (QDT) of the Ca þ BaCl þ collision. (a) Loss rate coefficients ...
to express closely related meaning at the same time. Speech and gestures co-occur and gesturing in the absence of speech is rare in normal conversation. Moreover, speakers gesticulate significantly less during speech disfluencies or pauses than during fluent speech (Graziano & Gullberg,2018; ...
See Methods for an explanation of how each distribution was computed. Marginal probabilities are shown above and to the left of each joint probability distribution. Model diagrams are shown in Fig. 7. a) Hassenstein-Reichardt Correlator half-detector (‘half-HRC’). b) HRC. c) Rectified half...
Facial motion analysis is a research field with many practical applications, and has been strongly developed in the last years. However, most effort has been focused on the recognition of basic facial expressions of emotion and neglects the analysis of facial motions related to non-verbal communica...
Over a period of time, the particle would tend to drift from its starting point, and, on the basis of kinetic theory, it is possible to compute the probability (P) of a particle’s moving a certain distance (x) in any given direction (the total distance it moves will be greater than...
Through the analysis of Guangshiyin Yingyanji, we find that lay people have created Yingyanji for a long time. Its main purpose was not to spread religion, but to record regional memories and family beliefs, which were mainly circulated among friends and relatives. Moreover, the miracle ...
"The Human adventure is just beginning..." "Ten years ago, a television phenomenon became a part of life, shared in 47 different languages, read in 469 publications, and seen by 1.2 billion people. A common experience remembered around the world. Now Par
(2009), where dense sampling at regular positions in space and time outperforms state-of-the-art spatio-temporal interest point detectors. In this work, we propose to sample feature points on a dense grid in each frame and track them using a state-of-the-art dense optical flow algorithm....
Now open up 17_randomized_data.html, and you should see something like Figure 9-7. Figure 9-7. Initial view Every time you click the paragraph at top, the code will do the following: Generate new, random values. Bind those values to the existing elements. Transition elements to new ...
Time consciousnessApparent motionReentrant circuitsOscillatory multiplexingExtensionalismAtomismSpecious presentDifferential latencyNeurodynamicsTemporal experienceThis paper situates an original model of reentrant oscillatory multiplexing within the philosophy of time consciousness to argue for an extensionalist theory ...