we reject the null hypothesis, meaning we assume that the two rows were not sampled from the same distribution. The quantity - log10(p-value(a|M))can be considered as a quantitative measure of strand bias and is called thestrand bias score...
Humans have always been fascinated by animals. Love them or hate them, they usually provoke a strong reaction in people, from the Jerkass who turns to mush when confronted by a playful puppy to the tough guy who freaks out when he encounters something sl
In this work, we thoroughly examine the most common network motifs2,6with explicit delays and present an approachable, step-by-step view of the mathematical analysis (applying established DDE methods34,51) in order to make such delay equations easy to use for biologists and others. We show th...
according to their structure: chain-like motifs (ID = 1 and 2) and loop-like motifs (ID = 5). In the chain-like motifs, two nodes that are not directly linked are integrated
Transcription factors (TFs) control transcription by binding to specific regions of DNA called transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). The identification of TFBSs is a crucial problem in computational biology and includes the subtask of predicting th
As regarding the biological meaning of homologous crossovers with subgenomic components, these mechanisms can serve as an efficient strategy that RNA viruses may use to diversify their RNA genomes and/or to guard the integrity of viral genome. It allows them to not only shuffle their genes so to...
known structural and functional criteria (e.g.the shared presence of musculature in heart and bronchiole, and the closely-related epithelial features of the two gut mucosae) the overall approach is subject to limitations in terms of the precise biological meaning of PTMs and their automated ...
This property has been named the OR gate switch model of Syk activation (15) meaning that Syk activation can either be initialized via pITAM binding to tSH2 or via phosphorylation. The molecular details of the pITAM/tSH2 interaction are known (32). Briefly, the N-SH2 interacts with the C...
The number of decoy peptides is notably higher than that of eluted peptides, meaning that MHC-I–peptide binding prediction is an extremely imbalanced classification process. In fact, the imbalance among classes is a common issue in machine learning, and some methods have been developed to deal...
In biological networks, network motifs represent meaning to protein family and to pathway conservation26, which has been shown theoretically and experimentally27. Herein, we studied network motifs by relabelling nucleotide positions with codon positions. Despite the tremendous advancements in the field of...