Rosy Maple Moths (Dryocampa rubicunda) are native to the US. This species can have different coloring depending on its region but it’s generally yellow and pink. Both yellow and pink sections across its wings are considerable with some morphs being dominated by one of these colors. A rare ...
Brilliantly colored, this bright pink and yellow moth looks more like a sorbet than an insect. Unlike the other Saturniidae moths on this list, the rosy maple moth is small, at under two inches across. The larvae of this moth can defoliate entire maple trees, which are their host plant. ...
The scientific name for the rosy maple moth combines the Greek words “dyro,” meaning oak tree, and “campa,” meaning caterpillar. Most adult rosy maple moths are yellow and pink, with an average wingspan of two inches or less. Not only are these moths incredibly beautiful, but their co...
(Animals) an American saturniid moth,Automeris io,bright yellow with a blue-and-pink eyelike spot on each of the hind wings [C19: after Io1(who was tormented by a gadfly), referring to the sting of the larva] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © ...
38. Sites under positive selection are highlighted in red, sites in the retinal binding region in yellow and positively selected sites that are capable of interacting with the retinal binding sites in pink, identifying likely candidates for opsin tuning (A). Other positively selected are located ...
(also Anthroceridae), a family of butterflies and crepuscular moths. The wingspread reaches 5 cm. The fore-wings, which are usually a metallic blue, green, or black, have bright red, yellow, and white spots. Some species are of one color. The caterpillars feed on the leaves of plants,...
Butler on the Noctuid Moths ochreous yellow. Underside nearly wholly vinous red, mottled with dark grey, the yellow subapical costal patch of the fore wings only being represented. Expanse of wings 18 millim. One female from Borneo. Endotricha jiavifusalisy sp. n. Fore wings bright pink, ...
Red is believed to be a mimicry of either red or pink oleander flowers the moth feeds on. Devil’s potato plants are another common host of the Polka-Dot Wasp Moth. Its wings show white polka dots which make the species appear toxic. ...
The yellow-headed moth, N. donaldtrumpi, is found in parts of Southern California and northern Mexico. Yellowish-white scales on the top of the head were said by the study author to resemble Trump's hair, while "the distinctive orange-yellow coloration on the forewing dorsum" also gave th...
Smerinthus jamaicensis has red rather than pink on its hind wings, and the blue area in the eyespot is divided by a black line, hence "Two, or Twin Spotted". The Two-spotted Sphinx Moth is common throughout eastern North America. Adults fly Apr-Oct. Caterpillar food: often willows, also...