Motherwort is thought to have a calming effect on the nervous system and could be an useful remedy for stress,panic attacksandanxiety. The herb has many of the same health properties asvalerian (Valeriana officinalis)and an alcoholic extract or tincture of motherwort is considered to be more ef...
Learn more about Motherwort health benefits, uses, side effects, effectiveness, safety, precautions, and warnings
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Motherwort Medicinal Uses:* Amenorrhea* Cardiovascular* Chinese* Cholesterol* Dysmenorrhea* Female Hormones* Herbal Teas* Hypertension* Longevity Tonics* PMS Properties:* Antispasmodic* Anxiety* Aromatic* Astringent* Calm* Cordial* Diaphoretic* Diuretic* Emmenagogue* Nervine* ...