Mothers Against Drunk Drivers honors two San Pablo officersKarl Fischer
1Text 2Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has launched a new public awareness campaign aimed at Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler. "Enough is Enough" advocates dropping the Criminal Code’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit from 0.08 to 0.05 percent, to "protect innocent drivers on ...
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) contracted with The Gallup Organization, Inc., to conduct a twelve-month tracking study of the public's attitude toward drunk driving and the experience members of the public have had with drunk drivers. The study was a telephone survey and covered the perio...
Cindy Lightner relentlessly tries to spearhead the drive for the national anti-drunk driver legislation after her own daughter becomes the victim of a hit-and-run by a drunk driver M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers讨论区 暂无话题信息 ...
Combating the drunk driving problem through community action: A proposal Drunk driving continues to be a major cause of injury, death and economic loss to thousands of Americans. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), since its i... D Merki,MA Lingg - 《Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education》...
Alan Fudge /威廉姆·拉金 /玛丽特·哈莉 1983-03-14美国上映 / 97分钟 看过 简介 Cindy Lightner relentlessly tries to spearhead the drive for the national anti-drunk driver legislation after her own daughter becomes the victim of a hit-and-run by a drunk driver...
M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers详细信息有:影片中文名:M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers、
Cindy Lightner relentlessly tries to spearhead the drive for the national anti-drunk driver legislation after her own daughter becomes the victim of a hit-and-run by a drunk driver 演职人员 全部 导演 威廉·A·格雷厄姆 演员 Alan Fudge 饰:Porter 威廉姆·拉金 饰:Officer McKnight 玛丽特·哈...
tExt 2mothErsAgAinstDrunkDriving (mADD、hAs lAunChED A nEw puBliC AwArEnEss CAmpAign AimED AtCAnADiAn justiCE ministEr irwinCotlEr. "Enough isEnough" ADvoCAtEs Dropping thECriminAlCoDE’s BlooD AlCohol ConCEntrAtionBAC、limit From 0.08 to 0.05 pErCEnt, to "protECt innoCEnt DrivErs on our roADs. "mADD...
单词 Drunk Drivers Against Mothers 释义 SeeDDAM 随便看 Gelände-Strasse GEM GEMA GEMAC GEMACS Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council Gem and Lapidary Dealers Association, Inc. Gem and Mineral Federation of Canada Gem and Mineral Society Gem and Mineral Society of Syracuse GEMAP GEMB GEMBA ...