• Chapter 2: Hardware information This chapter lists the hardware setup procedures that you have to perform when installing system components. It includes description of the switches, jumpers, and connectors on the motherboard. • Chapter 3: Powering up This chapter describes the power up ...
etc. These issues vary greatly by motherboard model, so you’ll need to consult online manuals before buying--especially if you’re planning on loading up your board with lots of components.
Motherboarddiagram Amotherboardismainlycomposedofacircuitboardandavarietyofcomponentsonit 1.circuitboard PCBprintedcircuitboardsareindispensabletoallcomputerboards.Itisactuallymadeofseverallayersofresinmaterial,andtheinsideismadeofcopperfoil.ThegeneralPCBcircuitboardisdividedintofourlayers,thetopandbottomtwolayersaresign...
Notes:1)Toavoiddamagingthemotherboardanditscomponents,pleasedonotuse aforcegreaterthan8lb/inchoneachmountingscrewduringmotherboardinstallation. 2)Somecomponentsareveryclosetothemountingholes.Pleasetakeprecautionary measurestoavoiddamagingthesecomponentswheninstallingthemotherboardto thechassis. 26 Chapter2:Installation...
The auxiliary power supply (+3.3VSB) is used to provide the trickle power necessary to keep key components operational in WOL mode. 7.1 +3.3VSB Power Requirement In designs that utilize 3.3VSB, the 82559 will operate from this supply in all operational states. Therefore, the +3.3VSB must be...
These are all the components and terms you need to know: CPU: Short for central processing unit, the CPU is the brain of your PC. It generates enough heat that it needs dedicated cooling. Without a cooler, the CPU will overheat and die. Cooler:“Cooler” is just a general term for ...