In the mother tongue classroom it put the focus on basic literacy and on national history and literature. The second, after the First World War, led to Finnish independence. A programme of Finnification followed, and Herbartian ideals of self-reliance and social concord, already prominent in ...
a(2) the national curriculum"National curriculum" is for students from different countries and modelled on the national curriculum for teaching in the mother tongue, the main objective is to enable students to enter the National University after graduation. At the same time, as interest in ...
Fiala, got impatient with me, though, and started on her math yesterday. I spent the day looking into co-op classes for the girls, reviewing curriculum (I’m very undecided about which way to go for our curric
“Hi all, wondering whether anyone has put together a levels grid which encapsulates all 4 core skills? Trying to create something that we can work with effectively in department to replace in part the old national curriculum levels.”
ÅsaDepartmentAfDepartmentGeijerstamDepartmentInformaworldEducation InquiryAfGeijerstam, Å. (2012, December). Curriculum studies of mother tongue education in Sweden.Education Inquiry, 3(4), 471-475.
(2013). Mother tongue tuition in Sweden - curriculum analysis and classroom experience. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 6(1), 95-116.Reath Warren, A. 2013. "Mother Tongue Tuition in Sweden: Curriculum Analysis and Classroom Experience." International Electronic Journal of ...
Beginning with the issue of the importance of the mother tongue in the matter of identity assertion of a linguistic community across different cultures and civilization this paper goes on to argue that despite the colossal need to preserve and promote the mother tongue of any linguistic community ...
This paper focuses on the dynamics of decolonising the curriculum by adopting mother tongue language as a medium for instruction in South African universities. There has been growing criticism on the slow pace of decoloniality within university spaces amid mounting challenges of lack of development in...
New Curriculum: Another Vote Against Mother TongueSisi Ekopicatootito
The Rationale behind Mother Tongue Policy in the Rwandan Competency-Based School Curriculum: A Move in the Right DirectionMore than a half of Rwandan adults are illiterate while most Rwandans have a little knowledge in French and English; languages in which Rwandan children are forced to do ...