Women's studiesAmerican literature Poor little motherless girls| The missing white mother in Southern fiction and the effects of her absence on the female characters of Eudora Welty and Carson McCullers UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS HallJamie Yvonne
However, both studies present little evidence on the mechanisms behind the observed effects. Using China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), we provide new evidence on the beneficial effects of mother's education on a wide set of child outcomes during adolescence in China. Focusing on mothers from ...
Women in job types that were categorized as "high stress" were more likely to give birth to daughters, whereas women in job types that were categorized as "low stress" had equal sex ratios or a slight male bias in offspring. We also investigated whether maternal age, and her partner's in...
The Best Movies With Mother in the Title, as voted on by fans. Current Top 3: Bachelor Mother, Mother Wore Tights, Mother/Android
While it wasn’t always easy, Melanie and Dakota were both proud of their decision to appear nude in films. They knew that it was making a statement and sending a powerful message to young women everywhere. They had both experienced the fear of being judged for their decisions, but they ...
(range: 18–33 kHz with little or no frequency modulation) are typically emitted in aversive conditions, such as in anticipation of pain, during social defeat or drug withdrawal, and thus considered indicative of a negative affective state25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34. High frequency “50...
Sexing Sirenians: Validation of Visual and Molecular Sex Determination in Both Wild Dugongs (Dugong dugon) and Florida Manatees (Trichechus manatus latiros... Sexing wild marine mammals that show little to no sexual dimorphism is challenging. For sirenians that are difficult to catch or approach ...
Little about experiential aspects of motherhood and its consequences to the health of women appears in the nursing literature. Rather, the discourses on motherhood in the health literature tend to focus on biomedical and scientific aspects, pregnancy and the perinatal period. Using a feminist story-...
Get ready for more sexy, sapphic taboo fantasies in My Lesbian Mother-In-Law 3, where moms and daughters (by marriage) throw caution to the wind with lustful abandon. It always starts off innocently enough, like little Rachel wondering why her husband’s
This popular series has plenty wrong with it (awful improvised dialog, endless repetition, stilted format) but the gals generally overcome such defects with hot sex, as in this lucky 13th volume. It's divided into two halves, as usual, with four women trading partners in each. If as Umbert...