Thaayillamal Naan Illai is a Tamil language film starring Kamal Haasan in the lead role of the protagonist. The movie was a Superhit at the box office. Released: 1979 Directed by: R. Thyagarajan 47 My Mother and Her Guest Kim Jin-kyu, Choi Eun-hee, Han Eun-Jin 4 votes The Housegues...
While other religions lay down a set of commandments which must be uniformly followed by all human beings, Hinduism advises each soul to act based on his or her Swadharma(inner law). This is a nice story by M.S. Srinivasan which illustrates this principle. This story appeared in the recent...
As I drove closer to home, stories attached themselves to places void of meaning for most: the corner where my brother and sister wrecked their car, putting both of them in the hospital; the airstrip on the edge of a field where Mr. Hadler landed his spray plane in the summer; the old...
My attention was thus at an early period of my life in India drawn to proverbs, and 1 began to study Percival's collection. I got, however, very little out of my study, as Percival had only given a translation of the Tamil proverbs, and had given no hints as to their meaning. So ...