Dear Cora:Today is your birthday, sweet girl. Can you believe it? Seven years old! We spent all weekend celebrating your birthday in one seemingly endless fantasia: your oldest friend came in from out of town to surprise you Saturday morning and spend the whole weekend with you; we had a...
I said that to a friend the other day who replied, “Or maybe it’s about letting them remove those barriers themselves.”For now at least I’m back-burnering the therapy idea. Mark agrees. Let’s focus on OT now and see what comes of that....
1. To some people local artisan cheese is Kraft Singles. This is a good thing to think of when you are paying your astronomical rent or mortgage bill and feeling jealous of your friend’s McMansion in Sioux City. Compared to much of the rest of the country, the Bay Area offers many ...
Setting out under sunny skies and virtually no humidity, we rode into the town center for breakfast only to find the diner packed and a sign on the door indicating they were short-staffed and patience was requested. So we hit up the Walgreens next door for breakfast-y foods, ate in the ...
My friend left her 10 month old child in a infant care centre for the past 2 weeks.She has always been picking her up in the evenings after work. The first month her daughter would allow her mother to carry her home in the evenings.However,the past 3 weeks her daughter shown reluctance...