In the smoldering conflict between the ideals held by Tom and Elizabeth, Sherwood Anderson dramatizes the clash of American materialism and artistic values which the author felt in his own life. Like George Willard, Anderson had a rather charming but shiftless father. Like George, Anderson had a...
Based on a chapter from Sherwood Anderson's novel, Winesburg, Ohio, a small Winesburg hotel is run by a family consisting of three members, two of which are both "grotesque" and unaware of being so. Both funny and serious, this piece ...See more Read more: Plot summary Director ...
mother sherwood anderson译文 Mother这个词在英语里就是“母亲、妈妈”的意思。Sherwood Anderson呢,这是个人名,叫舍伍德·安德森。所以“Mother Sherwood Anderson”整体就是“舍伍德·安德森的母亲”。 咱来想象一下啊,假如舍伍德·安德森有个老妈,那会是啥样呢?也许她是个整天唠叨着让安德森多穿点别着凉的慈爱老妈;...
doomed to watch helplessly while the military-financial powers relentessly go about their business. This accounts for Remy de Gourmont’s influence in early 20th c. America, and the European interest in blonde beasts like Sherwood Anderson and Nelson Algren....