单词tiger-moth 释义tiger-moth n moth with wings striped like a tiger´s skin 灯skin 灯蛾.
It resembles the coat of a striped cat. The puss moth is one of the largest moths, with an average wing span of 2.3 to 3 inches. The males are slightly smaller than the females. Another striking moth that looks similar to these moths is the leopard moth (Zeuzera pyrina). The leopard ...
arctiid moth - stout-bodied broad-winged moth with conspicuously striped or spotted wings; larvae are hairy caterpillars arctiid moth - typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae Arctiidae, family Arctiidae - tiger moths tiger moth - medium-sized ...
tigermoth-medium-sizedmothwithlongrichlycoloredandintricatelypatternedwings;larvaearecalledwoollybears arctiid,arctiid moth-stout-bodiedbroad-wingedmothwithconspicuouslystripedorspottedwings;larvaearehairycaterpillars BasedonWordNet3.0,Farlexclipartcollection.©2003-2012PrincetonUniversity,FarlexInc. ...
Striped Caterpillars: An Identification Guide (With Photos) Caterpillar Identification Guide: 38 Caterpillar Species With Photos and Descriptions Furry Caterpillar Identification: 17 Common Species Butterfly Identification Guide: 27 Types of Butterflies (With Photos)...
“Probably the commonest of our hawk-moths, it has a strange attitude when at rest, with the hindwings held forward of the forewings, and the abdomen curved upwards at the rear. If disturbed it can flash the hindwings, which have a contrasting rufous patch, normally hidden.” ...
英语解释 stout-bodied broad-winged moth with conspicuously striped or spotted wings; larvae are hairy caterpillars 相似短语 arctiid moth phr. 灯蛾科 clearwing moth 透翅蛾,苹透翅蛾 lasiocampid moth phr. 一种有梳齿状触角的中等大小中色的飞蛾 luna moth phr. 月形天蚕蛾 tortricid moth n....
Wings: Broad along insect’s head and body; pointed at the ends; often tattered by rigors of migratory flight. Proboscis: Coiled, straw-like, used for taking nectar from flowers or liquids from other sources. Color Pattern: Wings brown with undulating dark brown or black lines; single black...
As you can see from my photos it is very furry, has broad white wings. The forewings have very dark concentric lines that look like indentations, there are dark cross veins on the wings and bronze lines radiating down the thorax. This specimen also has a greenish hue to its heads and ...
medium-sized moth with long richly colored and intricately patterned wings; larvae are called woolly bears 相似短语 tiger moth n[昆].虎蛾, 灯蛾 tiger cowrie phr. 虎斑贝 tiger salamander n. 【动物】虎纹钝口螈 flying tiger “飞虎队”,全称为“中国空军美国志愿援华航空队”(Flying Tigers),19...