3. ant词性:名词词意:蚂蚁英文例句:Ants are known for their strong work ethic and ability to carry heavy loads.句意:蚂蚁以其强烈的工作道德和携带重物的能力而闻名。4. moth词性:名词词意:蛾子英文例句:The moth was attracted to the bright light of the street lamp.句意:蛾子被路灯的亮光所吸引。
“飞蛾扑火”的新研究发现 第三段 —第四段 有关不同光线对昆虫飞行行为影响的实验 第五段 Sondhi对人工照明的看法 8.C 推理判断题 【定位句】 Rather than being attracted to light, moths' tendency to fly toward brightness is a behavioral response to help them determine which way is up, suggests...
Insectsan insect that resembles a butterfly and is active mostly at night:Moths are attracted to light. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 moth (môth, moth), n., pl. moths (môᵺz, moᵺz, môths, moths). Insectsany of numerous insects...
但一项新的研究表明,事实并非如此。 Rather than being attracted to light, researchers believe that artificial lights at night may actually scramble flying insects' innate navigational systems, causing them toflutterin confusion aroundporchlamps, street lights and other artificialbeacons. scramble:v.(迅速而...
D Chances are that you've heard the phrase “like a moth (飞蛾) to a fire" -- and probably seen it in action at a night time campfire or barbecue, too.It turns out, however, this age-old saying may not be quite right. Rather than being attracted to light, moths'tendency to fly...
Rather than being attracted to light, moths’ tendency to fly toward brightness is a behavioral response to help them determine which way is up, suggests a new study published today in the journal Nature Communications.(然而,事实证明,这句古老的谚语可能并不完全正确。今天发表在Nature Communications...
moth [mɒθ] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供 单词级别 第8级 基本释义 n.蛾,蛀虫 英英释义 an insect with wings which is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night , and is attracted to light 参考例句 A moth was fluttering round the lamp. 有一只蛾子扑打着翅膀绕着灯飞。
Moths, including white moths, are attracted to light. This behavior symbolizes the innate human desire to seek light in the dark. They represent the pursuit of enlightenment, hope, and positivity, even in adversity. They remind us that, like moths drawn to a flame, we must constantly seek ...
The antler moth is a nocturnal insect that is attracted to light. 鹿角蛾是一种夜行动物,会被光线吸引。 The male antler moth has large, feathery antennae that resemble antlers. 雄鹿角蛾有大型的、羽毛状的触角,像鹿角。 The female antler moth is smaller than the male and has less pronounced ant...
根据第一段的“Rather than being attracted to light, moths’ tendency to fly toward brightness is a behavioral response to help them determine which way is up,suggests a new study published in the journal Nature Communications.(发表在《自然通讯》杂志上的一项新研究表明,蛾类向明亮方向飞行的倾向不是...