You can use our tool to check when your next MOT is due. If it’s soon, here’s how to get your car booked in: Book your MOT in good time. You can book a test up to a month (minus a day) before your MOT expires without affecting the renewal date Look for garages that have...
Head to the official GOV.UK MOT history service: Go to GOV.UK MOT History. Pop in your car’s registration number: That’s your number plate. Check out your car’s history: You’ll see: dates of past tests, mileage recorded at each test, whether it passed or failed and reasons for...
As with an internal combustion engine MOT, an electric car has to be logged on the official MOT test computer system. While a petrol or diesel car will be taken through an emissions and noise check, as mentioned above there's no need to worry about that with EVs, so you'll jump straig...
For each test it reports the measured throughput / bitrate, loss, and other parameters.This version, sometimes referred to as iperf3, is a redesign of an original version developed at NLANR/DAST. iperf3 is a new implementation from scratch, with the goal of a smaller, simpler code base, ...
MOT是英国的机动车强制性安全检测(Ministry of Transport Test)的简称。MOT测试主要是对车辆的安全性、排放和道路适用性进行检测,以确保车辆符合上路标准。测试通常每年进行一次,适用于三年以上的机动车辆。 MOT测试的检查项目包括: 车辆灯光:所有灯(前灯、尾灯、刹车灯、指示灯等)是否正常工作。