It showed in his pale-blue eyes, his wheat-colored hair faded by sun. Broad of shoulder and short of leg, his arms and hands were weathered and powerful. Years of watching weather, hay crops and cattle had not changed the dreamy expression allotted to him at birth. He was, in fact, ...
In a separate saucepan, heat the milk slowly. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod into the milk and the moment it comes to a simmer, take it off the heat and pour a little into the flour and egg mixture, whisking as you go. Add a little more, whisking all the time until you’v...
The recipe comes from Jess Damuck’sHealth Nut: a Feel-Good Cookbook. It’s got plenty of yummy healthy recipes. I enjoyed the Seed Crackers, recipe which happen to be gluten-free. This recipe is only half the original, as I only had one acorn squash. It is more than enough for two...