Description: HiGHS is a high performance serial and parallel solver for large scale sparse linear optimization problems. Project:Harlinn.HiGHS Imath Version:master as of 2021.08.18 Description: Imath is a basic, light-weight, and efficient C++ representation of 2D and 3D vectors and matrices and...
baconeggsandspam basicprogramming2 basketballoneonone batterup beavergnaw bela bestrelayteam betting bijele bishops blackfriday blueberrywaffle bluetooth boatparts bookingaroom bossbattle boundingrobots bracketmatching breakingbranches brokenswords ...
Technology (programming mostly), games, music, or whatever that irritates me. And maybe stories.About me and this Blog Cesta DaVinci Resolve attempts two and three October 26, 2022 ~ Leave a comment Why DaVinci Resolve? And why again? I’ve been having plenty of problems with Movie ...
Since my Docker build copies the contents of the build directory into the image first, I can then cache all my dependencies in the folder ( outside of docker compose ): GRADLE_USER_HOME=cache ./gradlew compileGroovy clean -x test --refresh-dependencies Now, all the libraries and wrapper f...
This report is astack trace, and it's helpful for tracking down problems in your code. The stack trace goes from bottom to top. So here: toUppercase http://localhost:5000/index.js:3 http://localhost:5000/index.js:9 We can say: ...
This is a short, enjoyable read on material science, explaining some basic properties of materials that are the building blocks of our modern world, such as cement, steel, plastic, and glass. I learned a few interesting things, such as theuse of bacteria in concrete, to make it self-heali...
Many of the user experience (UX), usability and ergonomics (relating the the set-top boxes and remote controls) principles discovered are now expected basic features of contemporary digital cable. This is particularly true of the the interactive programming guides that digital cable and satellite TV...
Avoid the above problems; use theTLS (Thread-Local Storage)– a simple and elegant approach to making your code thread safe. Resource:GCC page on TLS. C,Debugging,Embedded Linux,Linux Programming,programming Application Binary Interface (ABI) Docs and Their Meaning ...
Every question is valid, and every question, especially a very basic or exceptionally strange question, gives you information about what that person needs to know from you. We sometimes think a smile will be reassuring, but consider that even a reassuring smile can convey “I know the answer ...
I am doing this to support some other tools that I’ll discuss in future posts, but for now, I’m just going to get basic external SSH access up and running. If you’ve enabled SSH on your Pi, and can already connect to it over the local network, then all that’s required is ...