Wild Wild Country is an engrossing documentary series about the controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), his personal assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and their community of followers in the Rajneeshpuram community in rural Oregon. The series explores themes of ...
Wild Wild Country is an engrossing documentary series about the controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), his personal assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and their community of followers in the Rajneeshpuram community in rural Oregon. The series explores themes of re...
Karan Johar, Zoya Akhtar, and Dibakar Banerjee, ‘Lust Stories’ is an anthology film exploring the sexual life hidden beneath the morals of Indian society. Kashyap’s film follows a college professor, played byRadhika Apte, who ends up having a sexual liaison with one of her students. Their...
Karan Johar, Zoya Akhtar, and Dibakar Banerjee, ‘Lust Stories’ is an anthology film exploring the sexual life hidden beneath the morals of Indian society. Kashyap’s film follows a college professor, played byRadhika Apte, who ends up having a sexual liaison with one of her students. Their...
IMDb Staff Picks: Our Favorites of 2024 See our faves List The Top 10 Most Popular Indian Web Series of 2024 See the list User lists Related lists from IMDb users Create a list Everything i watched/listened/played in mid ending 2023 and onwards. ...
Indian Podcasts gives you inspiration and recommendations on exciting and interesting Indian podcasts. Here you will find the best and most popular podcasts right now.
Masha and The Bear is an animated television series created in Russia. It’s loosely based on a children’s folk story of the same name. Recipe for Disaster is one of the many episodes from the series and the only video on our list of most watched YouTube videos that isn’t a music...
After securing two straight fourth-place finishes,T-Serieswent back up to third during the third week of June. YouTube’s most-watched channel of all time gained645.7 million weekly viewswhile raising its subscriber total (thesecond-highest on YouTube) to268 million. Though T-Series’ weekly ...
1. T-Series (231m subscribers) For some time, PewDiePie was the most-followed YouTube channel. And then T-Series came along, a record label and film production company from India. Despite PewDiePie trying his hardest to stay ahead of T-Series, he’s now far behind. The content on the...
Just like on the most-subscribed list, Vlad and Niki sit at number eight for the most-watched YouTube channel. Guess it proves that having fun can get you a long way! 8. Zee TV Zee TVwere the first privately owned TV channel in India. For this reason, they command a certain pedigree...