The United States boasts several cities known for their walkability, making them ideal for residents and visitors who enjoy exploring on foot. These cities stand out for their pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, vibrant urban life, and accessibility, making them some of the most walkable places in t...
Philadelphia was just ranked as the #1 Most Walkable City in the U.S. in 2023 in a study conducted byUSA Today! The top 10 cities were chosen from a panel of travel experts and voted as the best in terms of things to do, places to eat, and places to stay. And Philly came out o...
Most Walkable CitiesJack Crittenden
Turner, Laura
Speck is the author of the book Walkable City, all about how thriving downtowns can transform both people and the environment. We asked him to pick some of the cities in the world he’s found the most delightful to explore on foot. He qualifies his picks saying, “These lists are silly...
If you were to rate the most walkable cities in the world, what would you look for? Would it be how shaded the sidewalks are? How many benches there are along the way to your destination? Or maybe how close you are to shops or local attractions? Well, the researchers at the Institu...
Don’t let San Francisco’s hilly terrain deter you—it’s one of the most walkable cities in the US. Climb up high for incredible views of the bay, meander through the city’s many public parks, and definitely don’t miss a chance to walk across the famous Golden Gate Bridge. ...
Boston, USA Exploring the city of Boston is made easy by its excellent walkability. With major sights often located in close proximity to one another, it is one of the most walkable cities in the world. Locals and tourists alike can easily wander through the cobbled streets of the historic ...
But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found. The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of ...