These are the 20 most viewed videos on YouTube: 20. Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes – Baa Baa Black Sheep Views: 3.55 Billion The first video we mention here (so the last one on our list) is one of the popular songs for kids – there are a few more to come! It most probably stems ...
Here’s what students are saying about Dr. Najeeb Lectures. Lizi KleinLos Angeles, California This is singularly the best investment I made for the first year of medical school. Each video is a jackpot of information with amazing drawings, great energy, and a phenomenal professor!
The main findings suggest that video lectures may increase senior students' retention, although their achievements 在的大多录影的介绍之前出故障学生路线在出故障之后下降了,而之后几乎出故障的所有学生路线继续了他们的研究。 主要研究结果建议录影演讲也许增加资深学生的保留,虽然他们的成就比那些未被发现显着好没...
Video Lectures / Tutorials / Blogs Appendix: More than Top 100: More papers not in the list Understanding / Generalization / Transfer Distilling the knowledge in a neural network(2015), G. Hinton et al.[pdf] Deep neural networks are easily fooled: High confidence predictions for unrecognizable ...
Learning How to Learn (LHTL) is currently one of the world’s most popular massive open online course (MOOC), with nearly 2.5 million registered learners in its first 4 years. Here, we “reverse engineer” the design of the course’s videos to show how c
Mathematics and language arts are the two areas of study that are most heavily tested in school. However, many people have not considered the strong relationship between mathematics and language skills. This relationship makes sense when you think about it. After all, both mathematics and language...
Bright Tutee provides comprehensive video lectures painstakingly prepared by competent and experienced teachers. In each video lesson, our teachers explain concepts in detail. The video lectures also contain engaging discussions on textbook examples, all varieties of textbook questions, and other important ...
and the materials of the group are usually presented through lectures including film, photography, video and installation. The materials generated by Raad are meant to establish an alternative perspective to mainstream history that often conflates fiction with fact. His 2009 installation at theReina Sof...
Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam dumps and in this manner. Candidates can easily pass the AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam with genuine AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam dumps and get MICROSOFT certification. These exam dumps are viewed as the best source...
With a wealth of knowledge-based content, Bilibili has been viewed as a "learning platform" among its users. According to Bilibili's data, over 243 million users viewed knowledge-based educational videos on Bilibili in the past year alone, which is 5.5 times great...