Granted, that 1975 Roosevelt dime you just found is most likely not worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — but there are plenty of other old Roosevelt dimes worth much more than face value. Check out these valuable,rare Roosevelt dimes you might happen to find in pocket change: ...
Barber dimes (quarters), produced from 1892 to 1916 Standing Liberty quarters, produced from 1916 to 1930 Some of these coins are expensive in the current coin market, but it is not very likely to find them in circulation nowadays. The most valuable circulated quarters Summary You can find se...
Why is the 1982 Philadelphia Dime Valuable? Normally, our coins have a small letter located just above the year on the heads side up. In the case of coins at the Philadelphia the letter is a "p", which of course stands for "Philadelphia". On that pressing of the dimes, for whatever ...
This isn’t the most inspired pick, which says more about the pool of players to pick from and less about Sy, who was a super valuable bench piece for an awesome Wake Forest team. Often, these awards go to a player that comes in off the bench and puts up a lot of ...