MVP的中文翻译是“最有价值球员”(Most Valuable Player)或“最有价值奖”(Most Valuable Player Award)。在体育界,MVP是指在某个赛季或比赛中表现出色、对球队或项目有最大贡献的球员或运动员。此外,在商业领域中,MVP也可以指“最小可行产品”(Minimum Viable Product),即一种早期阶段的产品版本,具备基本功能以...
After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row, Stephen ex 词汇自测plained his philosophy, “I never really set out to change the game ... What I wanted to ⑫ in a row 连续地do was just be myself ... I know it inspires a lot of the next generation, a...
The Most Valuable Player(MVP) award(奖项) was what I hoped to get. Winning this award1 everyone will think you are the best player on your team.Back in Grade 6, football became my favourite sport. I wasn't the best player on the team at the beginning of the year. But after a lot...
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the most valuable player awardthe most valuable player award The Most Valuable Player Award,即最有价值球员奖,通常授予NBA表现最优秀的球员。自1955-1956赛季开始颁发该奖项。最初仅针对场均得分最高的球员,但如今还涉及到其他统计方面。具体获奖球员的表现根据评判标准和教练团与球员协会的投票而变化。 请注意,...
Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player AwardWillie Stargell
The Most Valuable Player award(奖项) was what I hoped to get. Yes, MVP——the best. Winning this prize means you are considered as the top player on your team.Back in Grade 6, soccer became my favorite sport. After watching the World Cup, I was completely fooled(吸引). I wasn't ...
The Most Valuable Player(MVP) award(奖项) was what I hoped to get. Winning this award1 everyone will think you are the best player on your team.Back in Grade 6, football became my favourite sport. I wasn't the best player on the team at the beginning of the year. But after a lot...
高质量文章对提升期刊影响力、引领学科发展、促进产业进步至关重要。值Journal of Magnesium and Alloys(JMA)创刊10周年之际,JMA拟开展“JMA Most Valuable Paper Award”评选活动,旨在评选2013-2023期间JMA发表的对镁领域学术研究和产业发展最具价值的...
Since 1931, the Baseball Writers' Association of America has voted for the Most Valuable Player in each league. Ballots are submitted prior to the beginning of the postseason and are based on a weighted points system. American League YearPlayerTeamPosition ...