In 2020 the Swedes and the UK investigated and shut down Milton Group offices in their respective countries. The operators subsequently opened offices in Tazhikistan, Turkey, Philippines, as well s new offices in Moscow. All employees underwent lie detectors tests and were threatened if they comp...
In the call, Trump praised Duterte for his prosecution of the Philippines' drug war, which has allegedly involved extrajudicial death squads and resulted in the thousands of executions. Trump sparked controversy with his private praise for the leader, who has at times drawn negat...
To address these critical questions, we focus on the top 20 most polluted countries in the world—the nations that surpass the threshold level of PM2.5(0–5μg/m3) recommended by the WHO. The selection of the geographical context is underpinned by two compelling rationales: First, the selecte...
Glen Stewart Godwin is being sought for his 1987 escape from Folsom State Prison in California, where he was serving a lengthy sentence for murder. Later in 1987, Godwin was arrested for drug trafficking in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. After being convicted, he was sent to a prison in Guadalajara...
The Philippines (Filipino: Pilipinas) is an archipelago in South-East Asia of more than seven thousand islands located between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea at the very eastern edge of Asia. Many wonderful beaches are just part of one of the world's longest coastlines and it ta...
Dr. Jubilado first met the Bajau while growing up on Samal Island in the Philippines. They made a living as divers, spearfishing or harvesting shellfish. “We were so amazed that they could stay underwater much longer than us local islanders,” Dr. Jubilado said. “I could see them actual...
While there are tens of thousands of Chinese characters, in daily use, a much smaller number is required. Around 3,000 to 3,500 characters cover 99% of the characters used in modern Chinese writing. Learn More on the Voronoi App To learn more about this topic, check out this graphic ...
a message that seems slowly to be getting through. Yet the genie of tobacco shows no signs of disappearing overnight in a puff of smoke. With more deaths to its name than all the illicit narcotics put together, there can be no doubt that tobacco is the most dangerous drug in the world...
The number of species used to determine biodiversity share (rounded to nearest hundred): Birds: 10,474 Amphibians: 8,707 Mammals: 6,399 Fish 34,300 Reptiles 11,940 Plants: 270,000 Update: 5/23/2016: Readers have asked what countries were included in the assessment. Here is the full list...
While the Chinese economy returned to a stabilizing trend in April after a stronger-than-expected first quarter, the traction behind its firm steps is somehow different from what it used to be. Belt & Road tourism increasingly popular among tourists A new report on tourism along the route of ...