Children born at the end of the year are more likely to receive ADHD medication or an ADHD diagnosis than children born early in the year. This is according to a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The researchers have examined ADHD diagnoses and ADHD medication use among...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
Symptom severity scores did not differ significantly between the more than two-thirds of children on medication and those off medication, the study showed. Specifically, 62 percent of children taking anti-ADHD drugs had clinically significant hyperactivity and impulsivity, compared with 58 percent of t...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
As a practicing psychiatrist with ADHD and multiple obligations, I was finding it difficult to stay on track. Medication helped somewhat but I still needed something to manage the day to day effects of adhd in my life. One Focus: Expert ADHD Coaching is what made the difference for me perso...
Medication management alone or in combination with behavioural therapy was the most effective treatment for children with ADHD. Commentary on: The MTA cooperative group. A 14-month randomized clinical trial of treatment strategies for attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999;56:...
More than 3.4 million children are currently taking medication for ADD/ADHD and diagnoses continue to rise. Chronic disease has widespread effects, including on our military and our economy. 77% of young adults do not qualify for military service without a waiver, primary due to being ...