Berkelium was the fifth transuranium element discovered after neptunium, plutonium, curium and americium. The major isotope of berkelium, 249Bk, is synthesized in minute quantities in dedicated high-flux nuclear reactors, mainly at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, United States, and ...
Which element is formed, according to the theory of the Big bang, before the first generation of galaxies formed? Which one of the following exists as an isotope? a. carbon b. nitrogen c. oxygen d. helium Which of the following elements is radioactive? a. Pl...
Plutonium isotope anomalies discovered in Southern Hemisphere glaciers El Niño exacerbates effects of drought on Amazon groundwater and increases fire risk, study finds Floods, insufficient water, sinking river deltas: Hydrologists map changing river landscapes across the globe Jul 1, 2004 #2 Ivan...