LEUNG Chin-man had, as anex-senior civil servant,once served as the former Permanent Secretary for Housing, [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 梁展文以前房屋及規劃地政局常任秘書長兼 房屋署署長的前高官身份,受聘於新世界中國地產有限公司(“新世界 中國地產”)確會引起公眾懷疑梁先生是否有利益衝突和...
but in my belief we need a renewed commitment to ethical standards in public life amongst our politicians and senior civil servants. Even now, many are unwilling to accept the underlying the seriousness of the MPs’ expenses scandal, which is that many MPs fell far short of what the...
He became the state's senior U.S. Senator when the long-serving Sen. Robert Byrd died in June 2010. As a great-grandson of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, he was the only serving politician of the prominent six-generation Rockefeller family during his tenure in the United States Senate ...
Two of the most famousinclude the deaths of crew member John Pedder and Senior 2nd Officer W.E. Stark. Stark, who died after he accidentally drank acid he thought was gin. Pedder, an 18-year-oldfireman, was crushed by an iron mechanical door on July 10, 1966. ...
uonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordeenenthurnuk This 101-character word is found in the novel, Finnegan’s Wake, written by Irish author, James Joyce and published in 1939. This is said to describe the sound of the thunderclap that signaled the fall of Adam and Eve. ...
Byline: EXCLUSIVE By BOB ROBERTS Deputy Political EditorThe Mirror (London, England)
Whitaker, Andrew
Byline: Martin ShiptonWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)